Lisa McBride
Lisa McBride, a young mother of three children, has faced her share of growing pains and learned from her own mistakes. Inspired by the encouragement of her late mother, she embarked on the journey of writing this book to help others navigate parenthood with grace and resilience.
J.D. Vail
.Jaron (JD) Vail is a poet from St. Louis,
Missouri, currently residing in Columbia,
Missouri. He began his writing career
after completing the MFA in Writing
program from Lindenwood University in
2011. JD also authors a bi-weekly
newsletter titled Notes from a Park
Bench Philosopher which includes short,
sophisticated ramblings on a variety of
Carolyn and Ray Yunek
Carolyn Yunek is an author from Central Missouri, Simply Psychic is her and Ray's first published novel. They live together with their cat Hakkai.